10 Final French Cooking Terms

1. Noisette
The word literally means "nut". It usually means nut brown in color. For example, beurre noisette is butter browned over heat until it becomes a nut brown color. It can also refer to boneless rack of lamb that is rolled, tied and cut into rounds. The word can also refer to hazelnuts.
2. Nouvelle Cuisine
A term that refers to the style of cooking that features lighter dishes with lighter sauces and very fresh ingredients
3. Parisienne
Refers to potatoes molded into balls with a melon scoop and fried or roasted
4. Pâte
A basic mixture or paste. Often refers to uncooked dough or pastry.
5. Pâté
A paste made of liver, pork or game.
6. Poussin
A young chicken.
7. Quenelle
Minced fish or meat mixture that is formed into small shapes and poached. It also refers to a shape that the minced mixture is made into.
8. Ragoût A stew
9. Roux
Melted butter to which flour has been added. Used as a thickener for sauces or soups.
10. Sauté
To cook in a small amount of fat over high heat, making sure that the food doesn't stick to the pan by making it "jump" in and out of the heat. The French word sauter means to jump.

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