Regeneration Radical

"We speak of a radical change because it goes to a person’s very core and renews him deep within. No more profound or far-reaching change can be known than that which brings about new birth. ... It is not a make-over. It is not like a change of clothing or even plastic surgery. Rather, you become a new person."
From my book What the Bible teaches about being born again, p 34

"'e takes a good part in this"

One of my memories of growing up is hearing my mum and dad arguing over the name of an actress or more rarely an actor as they watched some old film on TV. (I notice a whole list here and here). The other thing I remember my dad saying a lot was "'e [or she] takes a good part in this". The phrase is used I notice but is not very common. I'm not sure what it conveys - mediocre acting on the part of the one cited, a high off screen profile or a knowingness on the part of the spotter.


Regeneration Instantaneous

"We cannot always be sure exactly when regeneration has taken place. It is clearly not a gradual thing, however. It is something sudden and instantaneous. The very way the Bible describes new birth suggests this. ... Some resist the idea. Opposition often grows out of misunderstanding. To understand regeneration correctly we must keep it distinct in our minds from what leads up to it and what follows. However near to it or far from it a man may be, he is either born again or not born again. The idea of a gradual or progressive regeneration would mean that one could be half-regenerate, half-unregenerate; in a twilight zone, partly in the kingdom, partly outside it; not dead and not alive either; neither new creation nor old. Such an idea runs contrary to the Bible’s teaching."
From my book What the Bible teaches about being born again, pp 31, 32


Regeneration - secret but inconcealable

On regeneration - "The change is secret and inward yet not something that can remain concealed."
From my book What the Bible teaches about being born again, p 26

Regeneration and Justification

"Justification brings about a legal or forensic change noted in the courts of heaven. Regeneration brings about a real, inward change here on earth."
From my book What the Bible teaches about being born again, p 25


Birth and New birth miraculous

"We will never completely understand how God can make a spiritually dead person a new creation or how he can remove his heart of stone and give him a heart of flesh. There is something impenetrable here. We hardly understand the miracle of birth, let alone that of new birth! "
From my book What the Bible teaches about being born again, p 24