Regeneration Supernatural

"... new birth does not come about by natural causes or the operations of nature but by God’s immediate power. He alone has the capacity to do it. Further, it is supernatural in the sense of being beyond man’s mutilated and depraved condition by nature ... Regeneration is possible only by a supernatural work of God."
From my book What the Bible teaches about being born again, pp 34, 35

Flat Earth Axioms 10

10. It's not very hard to cast some doubt
On any particular fact.

Flat Earth Axioms 09

9. To believe in something you cannot prove
Should not be thought of as wrong
But to give a reason why you believe
Is a thing for which you should long

Flat Earth Axioms 08

8. Many people believe many things
They don't know how to prove.

Flat Earth Axioms 07

7. Ignorance of even the most basic facts
Is common and widespread
And everywhere found.

Flat Earth Axiom 06

6. There's no proof you can conceive
To convince a man
Who refuses to believe.


Flat Earth Axioms 03

3. Don't answer a fool or like him you'll be,
Answer a fool or conceited he'll be.
(Proverbs 26 verses 4 and 5.)
But how can I at the answer arrive
As to which of these verses here applies?
It's a thing on which it's hard to be wise.

Flat Earth Axioms 02

2. Not all who say they take the Bible literally
A help in the Kingdom of Christ will be.

Flat Earth Axioms 01

I recently read Christine Garwoods's interesting Flat Earth The history of an infamous idea. I made a number of observations from reading it. This is the first

1. In the end
An apparent friend
Can turn out to be
An enemy.